Sexual Abuse

At Goldberg & Goldberg, we are proud of our track record representing the victims of abuse. People who are marginalized by society often times are victimized by predators who seek to take advantage of the powerless. It is our purpose to give a voice to these powerless people and do our part to help heal the world from these atrocities that are often times the result of institutional failures.

We have represented the victims of serial predators, including celebrities, powerful members of the clergy, business leaders and others who are in positions to exert their will over those that are less fortunate. Goldberg & Goldberg has been a voice for victims, in all arenas, for over fifty years. We have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of the victims of abuse and neglect, and at the appropriate times, have volunteered our services pro bono on behalf of our victim clients.

Our efforts have been documented in national publications including the New Yorker, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune and on Lifetime Television’s Docu-Series, Surviving R. Kelly II, The Reckoning.


What is Sexual Abuse?

Abuse, particularly sexual abuse, can take many forms. Victims can be children left with an adult who is in a position of trust, like teachers, day care workers, priests and clergy, after school officials, foster parents and family members. Other potential victims are elderly or sick adults left in the care of doctors, hospitals or nursing homes. The damages related to sexual abuse are both physical and psychological. At Goldberg & Goldberg, we have vast experience working with the victims of all kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse.

Why Choose Goldberg & Goldberg?

In addition to our core values that include empathy for victims of all kinds, we have vast actual experience representing the victims of all kinds of abuse at the hands of all manner of predators. At Goldberg & Goldberg we are trial lawyers. That means that we handle every case from intake to resolution, including settlement or trial. The results listed on our website are the actual results of cases that we have settled or tried to verdict. We would implore you to question any potential lawyer that you might employ about their actual trial experience. Why does trial experience matter? Because, there are lots of lawyers on the internet that claim to have a certain kind of experience, but very few that actually have trial experience. Other lawyers, for over fifty years, have referred cases to Goldberg & Goldberg for trial because we have a skill set that they do not have and cannot acquire—trial experience.

How can we Help With the Healing Process?

Making the powerless powerful is a small but vital step in our mission to help heal our client’s worlds. The legal system is imperfect, but it is the best system that we have. Making institutions accountable for the evil behavior of the past is one step we can take to help hold predators accountable to victims. Goldberg & Goldberg works with an incredible array of medical and psychological experts that have pioneered the fields of grieving and recovery from trauma including the types of loss associated with sexual abuse. Our clients come through the process stronger and more powerful, and we stand by them every step of the way.

Client Reviews

“You won't find a group of attorneys that will be more dedicated to your case, and doing all the research needed to effectively present it. I especially know the qualifications of Joseph Preiser, one of Goldberg's very successful attorneys. Highly recommend them to one and all.”

Gary Myers

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